Bike Safety Outreach
Helping Children Remember Bicycle Helmets During Back to School

On your mark, get set, go! Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to donate bicycle helmets for children at the Arlington Police Department’s Bicycle Safety Day.
For many children, back to school means back to the school bus. But more and more, many students are walking or biking to school.
Back to school is a good time to introduce children to bicycle safety and this year, Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to partner with the Waltham and Arlington police departments to give helmets to children.
On Saturday, August 28th, the Waltham Police Department gave away free Project KidSafe helmets to children at the “Meet the New Chief Day.” The Arlington Police Department also gave away free helmets at Bicycle Safety Day on August 24th at Gibbs Junior High School, where many students walk or bike each day to class.
Our Tips to Help Children Wear Bicycle Helmets Back to School This Fall in Massachusetts
A new school year means a new routine. Whether you or your child ride daily or on occasion, we urge you to commit to wearing a helmet.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, wearing a properly fitted helmet is the “single most effective way” to reduce head injuries and fatalities resulting from bicycle crashes. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports the majority of cyclists who ultimately die after a bike crash first sustained a head injury as their most significant injury.
Children Must Wear Bicycle Helmets Under Massachusetts Law. Under Massachusetts law, cyclists who are 16 and younger are required to wear helmets when riding a bicycle. Helmets should be properly fitted and meet the safety standards set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Beyond safety, there are other consequences. A police officer can actually impound your child’s bike for up to 15 days if they are caught riding without a helmet in Massachusetts, though many officers work hard to avoid this step and would rather encourage helmet use.

Waltham police officers give away free bicycle helmets at the “Meet the New Chief” event in August.
Why Parents and Adult Cyclists Should Wear Helmets. Cyclists of all ages should wear helmets to protect themselves.
As a parent, if you wear a helmet and make sure your child wears one when you ride together, your child will take notice. They are more likely to wear a helmet even when you are not there and they will have some practice at fastening their own helmet.
Label Your Child’s Helmet. Write your child’s name inside the helmet, on the strap or on the outside of the helmet.
Wear Your Helmet; Do Not Carry It In Your Backpack. Many children (and adults) ride, then put their helmets in their backpack while they are at work or school. Encourage your child to keep their helmet outside their backpack so they put it right on.
Buy a Durable Bike Lock. Purchase a durable bike lock in case your child cannot find their helmet and has to walk or get a ride home from school or a friend’s house. Keep this on their bike at all times. Insist that your child should contact you and never ride without a helmet.
Buy Your Child a Spare Bike Helmet. Purchase your child an extra bicycle helmet now before they misplace theirs. Unless you live near a bike shop, it can be difficult to step away from your routine to go purchase a bike helmet right away, especially during the busy Fall season.
At the same time, purchase a spare helmet for yourself, too. Keep your spare at home or at the office. This will come in handy if you damage your helmet, lose it or decide you want to take the Blue Bikes bikeshare home.
Free Legal Consultation – Boston Personal Injury Attorneys
With more than 100 years combined experience, Breakstone, White & Gluck has been consistently recognized as a top-rated Boston personal injury law firm. Our attorneys specialize in representing those injured by negligent driving, bicycle accidents, premises liability accidents, defective and unsafe products, construction accidents, medical malpractice and wrongful death.
If you have been injured, learn your rights. For a free legal consultation, contact Breakstone, White & Gluck at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
Breakstone, White & Gluck Donates 100 Children’s Bicycle Helmets to the Everett Police Department

Attorney David W. White delivered 100 helmets from our Project KidSafe campaign to Everett Police Chief Steven A. Mazzie and Sgt. Joseph Gaff.
As summer continues, more children are riding bikes and Breakstone, White & Gluck is pleased to be donating bicycle helmets through our Project KidSafe campaign. This morning, Attorney David W. White delivered 100 bike helmets to Everett Police Chief Steven A. Mazzie and Sgt. Joseph Gaff.
This is the 6th year Breakstone, White & Gluck has made the donation through the Everett Police Department. Each year, our attorneys donate the helmets and the Everett Police Department decides how to distribute them to best reach children who need one. We are excited to see what this year holds!
Breakstone, White & Gluck and our Project KidSafe Campaign
Founded in 1992, Breakstone, White & Gluck represents those who have been injured by negligence across Massachusetts. Our attorneys are committed to encouraging children to wear helmets to protect against head injuries. Through our Project KidSafe campaign, we have now donated more than 33,000 helmets to children across Boston and Massachusetts.
Breakstone, White & Gluck Partners With Massachusetts Police Departments on Children’s Bike Safety

Left to Right: Quincy Police Officer Christopher Bulger, Attorney David W. White, Quincy Police Lt. Robert Bina and Quincy Police Officer William Mitchell.
Breakstone, White & Gluck is pleased to continue our partnerships for bike safety with local police departments in the Boston area.
As part of our Project KidSafe campaign, Breakstone, White & Gluck will donate children’s bicycle helmets to 10 local police departments during 2021.
In June, our attorneys were pleased to deliver helmets to the Quincy Police Department, Lynn Police Department, Norwood Police Department, Brockton Police Department and Randolph Police Department. We donate the helmets, but each department decides the best way to give the helmets away to children in their community who need one or who need a replacement helmet to ride safely. The police departments may organize a bike rodeo, safety event or set up a table at a community festival. Or officers may keep the helmets on hand to give away as they come across children who need one.

Attorney David W. White visits with Lynn Police Chief Christopher P. Reddy and his officers in mid-June. As part of our Project KidSafe campaign, Breakstone, White & Gluck was proud to donate children’s bicycle helmets to Lynn PD again.

Norwood Police Chief William G. Brooks with Attorney David W. White. Breakstone, White & Gluck donated bicycle helmets to Norwood Police to give away to local children who need one.

Brockton Police Chief Emanuel C. Gomes and his officers receive a bicycle helmet donation from Breakstone, White & Gluck and our Project KidSafe campaign.

From left: Attorney David W. White delivered bicycle helmets to Randolph Police Chief Anthony Marag for the department’s bike safety event on June 26, 2021.
Read about our donation to Randolph Police.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
Breakstone, White & Gluck is a top-rated Boston personal injury law firm. Our attorneys are committed to encouraging children to wear helmets when riding a bike to protect against head injuries. This is the law in Massachusetts. All cyclists who are 16 and younger must wear helmets when riding, but we hope our donations also encourage parents and older cyclists to wear helmets and protect themselves.
Through our Project KidSafe campaign, Breakstone, White & Gluck has proudly donated more than 33,000 bicycle helmets to children across Massachusetts.
Breakstone, White & Gluck Donates 100 Bicycle Helmets to Framingham Students Who Received New Bikes
Breakstone, White & Gluck recently had the opportunity to contribute to a very worthwhile bike safety donation with the Framingham Public Schools. With COVID-19 driving a space shortage on school buses, the school system decided to buy 100 bicycles to help middle school students who needed the most help getting to school.
If you ride a bike, you know you must wear a helmet to protect yourself against head injuries. Well, Breakstone, White & Gluck had helmets and we were pleased to donate 100 bicycle helmets to students as part of our Project KidSafe campaign.
This donation began with a school counselor who noticed a student did not have a bus seat and this was causing issues with their attendance. An assistant superintendent asked if other students were facing the same problem. The answer was yes.
The assistant superintendent looked to the community, which responded in a big way. The United Way of Tri-County and the Jewish Family Service of MetroWest agreed to split the cost of the bikes. The founders of 1854 Cycling Company founder and Crimson Bikes handled the challenging job of finding the bikes and helping the school negotiate a good price. As bikes were distributed at different schools, Framingham Police sent police officers to help fit the helmets. Another important aspect is Massachusetts Safe Routes to School is providing on-site training for the students, emphasizing the importance of wearing a helmet and using hand signals. As we mentioned, Breakstone, White & Gluck and our Project KidSafe donated the helmets. With so many community partners, we really enjoyed helping the students get started riding safely.
To learn more, read the Framingham Public Schools press release.
See the photos from the MetroWest Daily News.
Surprise! New Bicycle Helmets for Cyclists in Dedham Bike Maintenance Class
Surprise! Breakstone, White & Gluck gave away free Project KidSafe helmets to cyclists who signed up for the Basic Bike Maintenance Class at the Dedham Public Library earlier this month. Quincycles led the small class outside the library while Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to donate the bicycle helmets as part of our Project KidSafe campaign. Breakstone, White & Gluck first teamed up with Quincycles three years ago.
Quincycles does a great job of distributing a few helmets here and a few there to cyclists who attend its community classes, most of which are held in Quincy.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck and Our Project KidSafe Campaign
The attorneys of Breakstone, White & Gluck launched our Project KidSafe campaign in 2013 and have now given away more than 30,000 bicycle helmets in Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, Everett and across Massachusetts. We invite you to follow our 2021 donations at
Breakstone, White & Gluck Donates Bicycle Helmets for a Special Brockton Police Safety Event
Breakstone, White & Gluck was so pleased to support a family event hosted by the Brockton Police Department and other community partners this past weekend. This was a special event because Brockton Police gave away both free car seats and bicycle helmets to local children and families. The goal was to prevent injuries. Many families struggle to get started with car seats and bicycle helmets and end up using them improperly.
The Brockton Police Department partnered with Copeland Toyota and Buckle Up for Life to give families free car seats. Brockton Police has four officers who are certified child passenger safety technicians. They can speak English, Spanish, Cape Verdean Creole and Hatian Creole. Especially after the pandemic, this event was a good opportunity for parents and caregivers to receive a free car seat, have it installed by a police officer and ask questions.
Breakstone, White & Gluck donated the children’s bicycle helmets from our Project KidSafe campaign. Brockton Police helped the children fit their new helmets.
Photo: From left to right, Shahzad Shahab, general manager of Copeland Toyota, then Maria Rivas and her son wearing a Project KidSafe helmet. Center is Brockton Police Chief Emmaneul Gomes, then Lt. Brenda Perez and Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan on the right.
Breakstone, White & Gluck Featured in Bikes Not Bombs Newsletter
Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to be mentioned as a long-time supporter of Bikes Not Bombs in the organization’s December newsletter. Each year, Breakstone, White & Gluck donates bicycle helmets to support Bikes Not Bombs as part of our Project KidSafe campaign. This is one of our all-time favorite donations because Bikes Not Bombs gives the helmets we donate to children and teens who graduate from its Earn-A-Bike programs. If you are familiar with these classes, you know students work very hard learning how to build their own bike and are taught valuable cycling skills from experienced riders. It is our pleasure to send the students home with a new helmet to help them ride their new bikes safely.
We are already looking forward to making another donation in 2021!
Six Years of Partnering with Waltham Police on Bike Safety
One of our longest-running partnerships through our Project KidSafe campaign is with the Waltham Police Department. For the 6th year, Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to donate 100 bike helmets for officers to distribute to children who need one. Attorney David W. White delivered bike helmets to Captain Jeff Rodley (far right) and Officer Chris Benson (far left) at the Waltham Police Department last week.
We are pleased to make the donation as Massachusetts schools begin to re-open. We know more children and families have been riding bikes since the COVID-19 closures last March. We also know there may be more children riding to school and it is critical that they protect themselves – every time they ride. Wearing a helmet makes good sense and is the law in Massachusetts for children 16 and younger.
Learn more about our Project KidSafe bike safety campaign. Breakstone, White & Gluck is a Boston personal injury law firm. To learn about our work and our attorneys, visit our website.
Breakstone, White & Gluck Gives Bike Helmets in Lowell This Summer
- The Bike Connector donated refurbished bikes in Lowell. Breakstone, White & Gluck supported the donations by giving each cyclist a free helmet from our Project KidSafe campaign.
- The Bike Connector donated refurbished bikes in Lowell. Breakstone, White & Gluck supported the donations by giving each cyclist a free helmet from our Project KidSafe campaign.
- The Bike Connector donated refurbished bikes in Lowell. Breakstone, White & Gluck supported the donations by giving each cyclist a free helmet from our Project KidSafe campaign.
We are pleased to share an update from Lowell, where our partner, The Bike Connector, had a strong start-up year getting bikes and safety materials to students, despite the many challenges of COVID-19. We hope interest and momentum is building around The Bike Connector’s work.
As of mid-August, The Bike Connector had distributed 93 new refurbished bikes to local students (which is a big accomplishment, even in non-COVID times). Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to support the organization’s bike safety initiative. Our attorneys gave each student a new bicycle helmet, as part of our Project KidSafe campaign.
The Bike Connector had to relocate from its classroom due to COVID-19. It ended up working out of a storage container at Career Academy in Lowell Highlands, which is part of the Lowell Public School system. But the organization made the set-up work. They even enjoyed a few benefits, such as being able to work with students outside, having bikes and safety gear nearby and shade from the hot sun.
The organization identified youth who needed bikes by partnering with the Lowell Public Schools and other educational, non-profit and social services agencies across the city. These organizations included Brigid’s Crossing; Merrimack Valley Catholic Charities and the Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association. Other partners: the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Lowell; UMass Lowell Freewheelers; Elevate New England; and New American Center.
If you were in Lowell this summer, you may have seen The Bike Connector giving away refurbished bikes and helmets. You may have seen the students and their families having a lot of fun as they received new bikes. If you looked closer, the excitement extended beyond students and their families. Word of events spread quickly in neighborhoods.
Behind the scenes, what you didn’t see was The Bike Connector also offered a four-week online summer bike academy to incoming freshmen at Lowell High School this summer. This program introduced students to bike safety, bike maintenance, the rules of the road, Lowell geography and urban planning. Each student who participated earned a bike, helmet and light. We hope this course proves to be a guide as students return to school and want to travel safely on bikes.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck – Boston Personal Injury Lawyers
Breakstone, White & Gluck is a Boston personal injury law firm which represents clients who have been seriously injured by negligence or wrongdoing. In 2013, our lawyers founded our Project KidSafe campaign, with a goal of encouraging children to wear helmets every time they ride. By wearing a properly-fitted helmet, children and other cyclists can protect against head injuries. In Massachusetts, children age 16 and younger are required to wear helmets. But children need more. They need a strong encouragement from their families and others in the community. If you are a parent, we encourage you to wear a helmet along with your child.
Learn more about Breakstone, White & Gluck and our Project KidSafe campaign.
Breakstone, White & Gluck and Everett Police Make Donations for Bike Safety
Breakstone, White & Gluck’s Project KidSafe campaign recently supported the Everett Police Department’s work to protect children on bikes. In June, our lawyers donated roughly 100 bicycle helmets to Everett Police Chief Steve Mazzie and his officers. Attorney David W. White was there to deliver the helmets.
This is the fifth year we have partnered with Everett Police so we know their commitment to children and bike safety runs deep. But we were really inspired this year. Officers wasted no time. They began distributing the bicycle helmets right away and found many children who could benefit from our donation. Great job to Everett Police again!
- Everett Police Chief Steve Mazzie and Attorney David W. White of Breakstone, White & Gluck.
- Attorney David W. White delivers our Project KidSafe helmets to the Everett Police Department in late June.
- Courtesy: Everett Police Facebook.
- Courtesy: Everett Police Facebook.
- Courtesy: Everett Police Facebook.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
At Breakstone, White & Gluck, our Boston personal injury lawyers specialize in representing those injured by the negligence or wrongdoing of others. Our attorneys are advocates for safe cycling and encourage all cyclists to wear bicycle helmets to protect against head injuries. To promote safe riding, Breakstone, White & Gluck has donated 30,000 bicycle helmets across Massachusetts through our Project KidSafe campaign.
Breakstone, White & Gluck has also been recognized as a Silver-Level Bicycle Friendly Business by the League of American Bicyclists.