Posts Tagged ‘“bicycle accidents”’
Photos from Boston’s Bike to Work Festival 2018
Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to participate in Boston’s Bike to Work Festival on May 18, 2018. The City of Boston organizes this event each year to encourage and celebrate cycling. Cyclists can ride right into City Hall Plaza and enjoy a free breakfast and vendor tables. Our attorneys have participated in this event for the past few years and it’s always a fun way to close out Bay State Bike Week and Bike Month. This year, we set up our Project KidSafe tent and fit 70 free bicycle helmets for cyclists who needed one.
If you missed this year’s event, you can learn more on the City of Boston’s website. Read more about our Project KidSafe campaign on our website.
Here are a few photos from the event:
- Attorney David W. White, Becca Wolfson, Executive Director of the Boston Cyclists Union and Attorney Marc L. Breakstone.
- Blue Bikes. By year’s end, the public bike sharing system is gearing up to be 3,000 bikes strong.
- From 2019 Bay State Bike Week: Attorney David W. White with Galen Mook, executive director of MassBike and Lee Toma, of Milton Bike.
- The line for our Project KidSafe bike helmets!
- Many cyclists rode in on group convoys.
- Attorney David W. White and Attorney Marc L. Breakstone
- Attorney Marc L. Breakstone with a cyclist at our Project KidSafe tent.
Hit and Run Crashes Reach Record High; Cyclists and Pedestrians Suffering Nearly 65 Percent of Injuries
National Bike Month is a time to celebrate and champion cycling. If you live in Massachusetts, you know the cycling spirit is stronger than ever. But that doesn’t mean conditions are always safe.
In fact, cyclists and pedestrians are at a higher risk now than ever. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports cycling deaths increased 11 percent from 2015 to 2016. Pedestrian deaths rose 9 percent. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently weighed in with a report on hit and run crashes. The numbers show the toll on pedestrians and cyclists, as well as others on the road.
- There is now more than one hit and run crash every minute in the U.S.
- Nationwide, fatal hit and run crashes have been increasing since 2009, reaching an all-time high in 2016. Some 2,049 people were killed.
- In nearly 65 percent of cases, pedestrians and cyclists were killed.
- All 50 states have hit and run laws, which make it illegal for drivers to leave the scene of an accident.
- According to the Telegram & Gazette of Worcester, there were 186 hit and run crashes involving death in Massachusetts over the 10-year period from 2006 to 2016.
In Massachusetts, leaving the scene of an accident is against the law, under M.G.L. c. 90 § 24 and M.G.L. c. 90 § 26. Drivers can face potential jail time for leaving the scene of a car accident resulting in property damage, even if there is no injury. When there is injury and death, drivers face higher penalties, including up to 10 years in jail if someone is killed.
Beyond the punishment, drivers have a moral obligation to stay at the scene, make sure the victim receives medical attention and help police with their investigation. When they flee, victims have to wait for medical care and the delay could cost them their lives.
In Massachusetts, just in the past month, several pedestrians have been killed by the negligence of hit and run drivers.
In Medford, a real estate agent was walking along Spring Street, when she was fatally struck by a teen driver who was allegedly under the influence of a drug, according to Boston 25 News. The teen – who was operating with a learner’s permit – kept going, then collided with two other people. They were injured, but survived. Their dog was killed in the crash.
Police also responded to tragedies in Lawrence and Revere. In Revere, a woman was struck while walking on Revere Beach Parkway. As she was treated for critical injuries, police searched for the driver. Police in Lawrence made the arrest in a hit and run crash that seriously injured a 30-year-old woman. The 24-year-old driver is accused of operating under the influence when he crossed an intersection, hitting the woman in a crosswalk.
Along with motorists, truck drivers cause an increasing number of hit and run crashes each year. Cyclists and pedestrians can be cut off by trucks and swept under, causing catastrophic injuries and deaths. In Massachusetts, bicycle advocacy groups have pushed for legislation requiring trucks to be outfitted with sideguards. The City of Boston has passed its own truck sideguard regulations.
Drivers who operate rideshare vehicles, such as Uber and Lyft, taxicabs and buses can also cause hit and run crashes. Hit and run crashes can also be caused by teenage drivers, who have less experience and have higher accident rates than other drivers.
As a driver, the best thing you can do is commit to pay attention on the road and travel slowly, giving yourself more time to respond. Turn your cell phone off. Follow traffic laws and look for cyclists and pedestrians on the side of the road. Take special care not to cut cyclists off when turning at intersections. When fatigued, do not drive. Finally, if you are in an accident, do not run. Help the victim by calling 911. That has to be the priority.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
With more than 100 years combined experience, the lawyers of Breakstone, White & Gluck are experienced in representing cyclists and pedestrians who have been injured in motor vehicle and truck crashes. Our attorneys represent clients throughout Massachusetts, including in Boston, Cambridge and Quincy. We are known for our prompt investigation and aggressive representation for our clients. If you have been injured, learn your rights. For a free legal consultation, call 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676. You can also use our contact form.
5 Steps to Take Now for a Safe Bike Season in Massachusetts
Boston saw 70 degrees in February last week. Naturally, many of us are now ready for Spring. If you are a cyclist or have a child who rides, now is the time to get ready for a safe cycling season.
The attorneys of Breakstone, White & Gluck have long represented cyclists who have been injured by negligent drivers in Massachusetts. We are committed to preventing these bicycle accidents and reducing injuries. In a few weeks, we will begin the 6th year of our Project KidSafe campaign, donating bicycle helmets to children in Boston and other communities. Bike helmets are critical to preventing concussions and traumatic brain injuries. And they are most effective when cyclists start wearing them at an early age with positive reinforcement from parents and other family members.
We will share more on our campaign soon. For now, we have a few bike safety tips from our attorneys and the League of American Bicyclists to help you get ready for a safe cycling season.
1) ABC Quick Check
Check the basics, including the air in your tires, your brakes and the cranks and chain. Then check your quick releases to make sure they are all closed and pointing toward the back of your bike. Then take a quick ride to make sure your bike is properly working. If you are a parent, watch your child on a test ride.
2) Get a Bike Helmet
Always, always wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet. Purchase a new helmet every few years or sooner if you have been involved in a bike crash. A helmet is a critical tool in preventing head injuries and is required by law for cyclists who are 16 and younger in Massachusetts. Families who bike together should wear helmets together. Children are more likely to adopt the habit if their parents do the same.
We are often asked whether cyclists should purchase helmets online or shop local. We suggest you visit the local bicycle shop. Try a few helmets on while getting help from an experienced cyclist. Buying the right size is hard and an experienced cyclist can be very helpful. Beyond that, bicycle shops are a lot of fun. You can learn a lot about cycling in your area by visiting one.
Here is a video on how to fit a helmet.
3) Stock Up on Bright Colored Clothing
Whether you ride in cycling gear or street clothes, we suggest you purchase a neon safety vest for yourself and family members. You can wear it every time you ride to stand out or just in busy traffic.
4) Check Your Equipment
In Massachusetts, cyclists must use bike lights so they are visible to motor vehicles in the morning, up to one-half hour before sunrise, and in the evening, starting no later than thirty minutes after sunset. Remember—dusky hours can make you very hard to see, which is why that bright clothing is even more important. Read more about the law on our website.
5) Prepare for the Bike Trail
Remember the rules of safety on bike trails, too, and always be considerate of other cyclists. Do not speed. Travel on the right. Pass on the left. Use a bell or announce you plan to pass another cyclist. Although you are permitted to ride two-abreast, courtesy suggests you should ride single file when you travel in a group. Finally, expect to stop when the bike trail crosses street traffic.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
The Boston personal injury lawyers at Breakstone, White & Gluck have over 100 years combined experience representing pedestrians, cyclists and others injured by car accidents. We are committed to safety for cyclists. Through our Project KidSafe campaign, we have donated more than 15,000 bicycle helmets to children in Massachusetts. For our commitment to safety, our firm has been recognized by the League of American Bicyclists as a Silver Level Bicycle Friendly Business.
If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, it is in your best interests to consult a personal injury lawyer and learn your legal rights. For a free legal consultation, contact our attorneys at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
New Protected Bike Lanes for Inman Square in Cambridge
Cyclists riding through Inman Square now have a safer ride home. The City of Cambridge has recently installed separated bicycle lanes on Cambridge Street, from Inman Square to Quincy Street. The lanes are clearly marked, with flex posts creating a barrier between cyclists and drivers.
These lanes should have many benefits. We hope one is to reduce dooring crashes, such as the one that killed Amanda Phillips in Inman Square in 2016. The 27-year-old Somerville resident was riding a bike and collided into a Jeep door which was left open. The impact pushed her into the travel lane, where she was hit and killed by a landscaping truck. The accident happened near Hampshire and Cambridge streets.
Dooring has been against the law in Massachusetts since 2009. M.G.L. c.90 § 14 states, “no person shall open a door on a motor vehicle unless it is reasonably safe to do so without interfering with the movement of other traffic, including bicyclists and pedestrians.”
Breakstone, White & Gluck and Quincy Police Donate 100 Helmets to Fifth Graders at Bike Safety Presentation

Photo Courtesy: Quincy Police Department Facebook Page. Breakstone, White & Gluck and our Project KidSafe campaign recently teamed up with Quincy Police to donate 100 bike helmets to fifth graders.
On a bike, wearing a helmet is the most important step, Quincy police officers said yesterday.
Breakstone, White & Gluck and the Quincy Police Department teamed up to give away 100 new bike helmets on Monday, during the department’s annual D.A.R.E camp at Pageant Field. But first, Lieutenant Bina and other bike safety officers shared tips for riding safely.
First, the officers said wearing a helmet saves lives and is the law for kids in Massachusetts. Officers then knocked down a big myth, that wearing a helmet does not look cool. “Oh, it’s definitely cool,” officers assured the kids. “And please share the message with your friends.” As proof, Lieutenant Bina modeled his own helmet. Everyone agreed. He looked cool.
Other tips? At red lights, cyclists must stop. But at crosswalks, officers suggested kids get off their bikes and walk across the street with pedestrians. Wearing bright colors to stand out is a must, while riding with friends is a good way to watch out for each other. And because bikes are too easily stolen, every cyclist should have a bike lock.
The officers’ final tip: always replace helmets if they crack, if you take a fall or are involved in a bike accident. Helmets must be in good condition to protect you.
Quincy Police Department is hosting roughly 100 students at its two-week DARE camp. The camp is open to students across the city, but space is limited and it fills up quickly. The camp provides students a way to learn about the police department, with visits from officers from all areas of the department, and to have a fun summer experience with other kids and police officers.
Breakstone, White & Gluck and our Project KidSafe campaign have partnered with the Quincy Police Department twice this year, donating a total of 200 helmets for city kids. In April, we donated 100 helmets for the Healthy Kids Day event at the South Shore YMCA and for officers on patrol to give to children who needed one. This week’s donation went to older kids heading to middle school this Fall.
About Project KidSafe
Since 2013, Breakstone, White & Gluck and our Project KidSafe campaign have donated over 10,000 bike helmets to protect children in Massachusetts. Our firm has represented cyclists who have been injured in bike accidents for over 25 years and we know that wearing a helmet can make all the difference for a cyclist. We are committed to protecting cyclists and preventing head injuries. Toward that goal, we have partnered with over 40 police departments, bicycle committees, community organizations and schools who are committed to keeping children safe. We are pleased to partner with Quincy Police.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
With over 100 years combined experience, the attorneys of Breakstone, White & Gluck fight for justice for those who have been injured by negligence and wrongdoing of others. If you have been injured, contact us for a free legal consultation at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
Breakstone, White & Gluck and Boston Police Team Up to Give Bike Helmets to Kids

Attorney David W. White (center) with William G. Gross, Superintendent-in-Chief of the Boston Police Department (left) and Sgt. Gino Provenzano (right) of the Boston Police Department. Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to donate 200 bike helmets to the Boston Police Department this summer to help kids ride safely.
Breakstone, White & Gluck and our Project KidSafe campaign are proud to partner with the Boston Police Department to keep children safe on bikes.
Our attorneys recently donated 200 brand-new bicycle helmets to the Boston Police Department. Over the summer, officers will give helmets away to children who need one as part of the department’s community policing efforts. So far, officers have put new helmets on children at the Villa Victoria Bicycle Safety Day, the Dorchester/C-11 Bike Rodeo and at the Condon Community Center in South Boston. These events are meaningful because kids get more than a new helmet. They get the opportunity to learn about bike safety and meet a police officer in their own neighborhood in a fun, relaxed setting, building trust and community relationships while learning how to ride safely and protect themselves from head injuries.
Breakstone, White & Gluck thanks the Boston Police Department for helping us for a second year. Attorney David W. White shared a nice visit with Superintendent-in-Chief William G. Gross and Sgt. Gino Provenzano at Boston Police Headquarters this week. They talked about bike safety and the department’s community policing work for kids across Boston. What tremendous work they do! By the way, Boston Police have their neighborhood flashlight walks starting up again.
See photos from some of the bike helmet giveaways on the Boston Police Department website.
About Project KidSafe
Breakstone, White & Gluck is committed to protecting cyclists of all ages and preventing head injuries. Through our Project KidSafe campaign, we have donated over 10,000 bicycle helmets to children in Boston, Cambridge and other communities since 2013. We have partnered with over 40 police departments, bicycle committees, community organizations and schools who are committed to keeping children safe.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
With over 100 years combined experience, the attorneys of Breakstone, White & Gluck fight for justice for those who have been injured by negligence and wrongdoing of others. If you have been injured, contact us for a free legal consultation at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
Summer Bike Safety: Breakstone, White & Gluck Donates Bicycle Helmets to Kids in Somerville, Medford and Westborough

Attorney David W. White and the Westborough Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission donated bike helmets to kids at Westborough Spring Festival on June 10th. Helmets were donated by Breakstone, White & Gluck’s Project KidSafe campaign.
Summer is here and Breakstone, White & Gluck wants to remind children and families to wear your bicycle helmets.
Helmets are the most effective way to protect yourself from bicycle-related head injuries. Helmet use reduces the chance for head and brain injuries by up to 88 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Please wear your helmet every time you ride – and make sure family members do the same.
Through our Project KidSafe campaign, Breakstone, White & Gluck recently donated children’s bicycle helmets at several community events. Children had the opportunity to receive a new helmet and have it fitted by an experienced cyclist or volunteer.
Westborough Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission. Attorney David W. White joined the Westborough Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission at Spring Festival on June 10. Breakstone, White & Gluck donated nearly 200 bicycle helmets in Westborough this year, at the Westborough Spring Festival and the Healthy Kids Day at the Boroughs Family Branch of the YMCA of Central Massachusetts (which was held in April). This is the fourth year we have partnered with the Westborough Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission on these donations.
The Westborough Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission was appointed by the Board of Selectmen five years ago. Since then, the commission has actively worked to make Westborough safer for bicyclists and pedestrians. Over the past few years, they have advocated for crosswalk and rotary improvements. This year, construction began on the new Westborough multi-use path. The first phase is 1/3 mile and will connect the Westborough Shopping Center to the east side of town. Great work to the commission! This path is sure to make cycling safer in Westborough.

Photo courtesy of Medford Bikes, which distributed 70 bike helmets to children at Medford Day on June 4, 2017. Breakstone, White & Gluck donated the bike helmets through our Project KidSafe campaign.
Medford Day. On June 4, the Medford Bicycle Advisory Commission gave away 70 helmets to children and teens at Medford Day at Andrews Middle School. This was our first time partnering with the commission. It was a home run. Members did a great job and are enthusiastic about teaching children and parents about bike helmet use.
“A helmet is one of the most important pieces of bike safety equipment you can wear, but if it doesn’t fit right, it’s not going to do what it’s designed to do when you most need it—which is protect your head from serious injury after a crash,” said Patrick Bibbins, chair of the Medford Bicycle Advisory Commission.
Bibbins, an instructor with the League of American Cyclists, has written about bicycle safety for families. He recently published this article: “Bike Safety 101: A Guide for Parents.”

Photo courtesy of The Kiwanis Club of Somerville Facebook page. Bike Safety Day was held on June 10, 2017. Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to donate helmets for the kids.
Kiwanis Club of Somerville. For the past five years, Breakstone, White & Gluck has been pleased to donate bicycle helmets to the Kiwanis Club of Somerville and its annual Bike Safety Day. This is always a fun event which teaches kids fundamental bicycle safety skills in their own community.
This year’s event was held on June 10th at East Somerville Community School. Breakstone, White & Gluck donated 120 helmets for the kids. In addition to the Kiwanis Club of Somerville and Breakstone, White & Gluck, the event received donations and support from Belmont Wheelworks, Shift Community Bicycle Collective, the Greater Boston Young Professional Kiwanis, the Somerville High School Athletics and the staff at the East Somerville Community School.
For Cycling Safety: Dutch Reach Method Makes the Massachusetts Driver’s Manual
Cyclists may now ride safer near parked cars, after a recent update to the Massachusetts driver’s manual. On page 109, there is a new title, “The Danger of Open Doors to Bicyclists,” and instructions for the Dutch Reach method of exiting a car.
A common practice in the Netherlands, the Dutch Reach method calls on drivers to park and take three simple steps:
- Check your rear-view mirror.
- Check your side-view mirror.
- Open the door with your far hand, the hand farthest away from the door.
This last step forces drivers to turn their bodies, so they can see cyclists and pedestrians coming from both directions.
A Cambridge man campaigned for the change, which was announced by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation on May 30th. According to The Boston Globe, Michael Charney launched the website following the death of Amanda Phillips, a 27-year-old barista at Somerville’s Diesel Café. Phillips was riding her bicycle in Inman Square in Cambridge when she struck the open door of a parked Jeep. As a result, Philips was pushed into the street and collided with a dump truck.
This is known as a dooring accident or a car-dooring crash. We have represented numerous cyclists in these accidents, which can cause very serious injuries and are more common than you may realize. According to the City of Boston, dooring accidents accounted for up to 13 percent of all bicycle crashes between 2009 and 2012.
Massachusetts is one of 40 states which have passed dooring laws, according to the League of American Cyclists. Under M.G.L. c. 90 § 14, “No person shall open a door on a motor vehicle unless it is reasonably safe to do so without interfering with the movement of other traffic, including bicyclists and pedestrians.”
Drivers can be fined $100 for each violation. But the greater penalty is drivers may have to pay compensation to injured cyclists. Read about a recent settlement we obtained for a cyclist injured in a dooring accident in Brookline.
Breakstone, White & Gluck Supports Local Bicycle Committees in 2016 Project KidSafe Campaign
Local bicycle committees are the wheels behind our success. As we finish our Project KidSafe campaign, our partners, Marc L. Breakstone, David W. White and Ronald E. Gluck, want to thank all the local bicycle committees who organized community events and helped us donate bicycle helmets to children in 2016. Committee members volunteered their time and fit helmets for children, while also speaking to families about the importance of always wearing a bicycle helmet, every time they ride.
This year, we thank the: Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee; Bike Milton; Framingham Bicycle and Advisory Committee; Friends of Lexington Bikeways; Westwood Pedestrian and Bicycle Committee; Westborough Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and the Watertown Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee. While not bicycle committees, the Kiwanis Club of Somerville, Boston Bikes and the Ashland Farmers Market all deserve mention. Here are some photos from the year or read more about our 2016 Project KidSafe campaign here.
Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee
Ashland Farmer’s Market
Bike Milton
Framingham Earth Day 2016
Friends of Lexington Bikeways
Kiwanis Club of Somerville
Westwood Pedestrian and Bicycle Committee
Westborough Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Watertown Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee
Breakstone, White & Gluck Donates Bicycle Helmets and Safety Vests to Groundwork Somerville’s Green Team
Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to help students at Groundwork Somerville ride their bicycles safely this summer. As part of our Project KidSafe campaign, our attorneys donated bicycle helmets and neon safety vests to 25 students on The Green Team.
The Green Team is Groundwork Somerville’s environmental youth employment program, where Somerville youth work to make positive social and environmental change, while gaining valuable job training and career skills. The students spend summers working across the City of Somerville, building gardens, cleaning up rivers and engaging the community about ways to protect the environment and cultivate agricultural and forestry resources. The students rely heavily on their bicycles to travel between sites and bicycle safety is a priority.
Among The Green Team’s projects: developing The South Street Farm near the Cambridge border and participating in the planning of Somerville parks. If you shop at the Union Square Farmer’s Market or the Mystic Mobile Market, you may have bought produce from The Green Team gardens.
Breakstone, White & Gluck is pleased to support Groundwork Somerville. We encourage you to visit their website at
Breakstone, White & Gluck and Project KidSafe in Somerville
Breakstone, White & Gluck is committed to children’s bicycle safety. Over the past four years, our attorneys have donated over 10,000 bicycle helmets to children across Massachusetts through our Project KidSafe campaign. We have partnered with Groundwork Somerville for the past three years, donating helmets and safety vests.
We have been active in Somerville all four years of our safety campaign, also donating helmets to The Kiwanis Club of Somerville’s Bike Safety Day and helmets to every 5th grader who completes CYCLE Kids, which teaches bicycle riding and nutrition skills. In 2016, we were pleased to donate over 400 children’s bicycle helmets in the city. Read recent coverage in The Somerville Times.